Life Insurance Blog

Affinity offers for life insurance

Affinity offers for life insurance are when a life insurance provider offers cheap insurance to members of an affinity group. This may be a trade union, a professional association, or even a church or sports association. (more…)...

Should I buy out key man insurance when I leave my company?

Key man insurance is the policy a company will buy on the lives of its most indispensable employees, intended to payout to the company rather than the employee’s family. The reason for this life insurance is that, in many companies and particularly smaller ones, there is often a reliance on several people to either keep an important client happy, run a vital part of the business, or build or mai...

What’s an offset clause?

An offset clause in a life insurance policy is a clause that allows the insurer to offset a gain against a loss. This is most often used if the life insurance policy also covers against disability or a general inability to work. In such a case, the insurance company may not pay out the full amount if the policy holder is judged able to work at all. Instead, the insurance company will offset the p...

Will life insurance be cheaper if I stop smoking?

Smoking is a health risk, and health risks reflect in life insurance policies. Smoking does two things with life insurance calculations. Firstly it increases the chance that a person will die an early death, and secondly it reduces the life expectancy at the end of life. Both of these can affect life insurance premiums and they will increase the amount that needs to be paid for the policy. (more...