Life Insurance Blog

What is a Single Premium Life Insurance Policy?

A Single Premium Life Insurance Policy is a life insurance policy that only has one premium to be paid. Most life insurance policies have premiums that are paid throughout the course of the policy.  These tend to be linked to income and are usually charged on a monthly basis, although they can be charged on an annual basis.  From the lender’s perspective, these can cost money to administer as...

Does where I live affect my life insurance premium?

The life insurance premiums that people pay are influenced by a number of factors, which mainly revolve around whether they affect the applicant’s life expectancy. Many of these factors can be easily explained, such as whether a person has suffered from a disease such as cancer or whether they have an unhealthy habit such as drinking. (more…)...

Is life insurance more expensive for self-employed people?

One of the downfalls of being self-employed is that many financial products prove to be more expensive than those for employees. A particular example of this is credit, from mortgages to unsecured loans to credit cards. Life insurance can also be more expensive for self-employed people, but for different reasons. (more…)...

Can I name an unmarried partner on my life insurance policy?

Unmarried partners can often have a worry about life insurance.  There is a common perception about life insurance that it can only be paid to people who have a legal relationship with the insured person.  This is a misapprehension. (more…)...