Life Insurance Blog

What is a life insurance questionnaire?

When a person applies for life insurance they will often be sent a questionnaire that needs to be filled out and sent back to the life insurance company.  This is a crucial part of the life insurance process and will dictate many things, including the premium and whether or not a person can be accepted for life insurance. (more…)...

Decreasing term life insurance

With decreasing term life insurance, the payout doesn’t remain constant throughout the term, but instead goes down on a scheduled basis as the policy matures. (more…)...

Does a previous illness make life insurance more expensive?

Life insurance is designed to cover the family if a person dies or becomes disabled, and therefore the person’s life expectancy is very important. One of the main things that can influence a person’s life expectancy is their past health. (more…)...

Medical questionnaires and life insurance

Many types of life insurance ask applicants to fill out a medical questionnaire. The medical questionnaire can sometimes be utilised instead of a medical examination, or it can be a supplement to one. (more…)...

Life insurance after children leave home

Life insurance is often taken out so as to cover dependent children, and it can be a question as to what to do with the insurance after the children have left home. Much life insurance is taken out over the long term, partly because it’s cheaper in the long run. It’s also more certain, as the premiums stay the same even if the insured person is diagnosed with a serious medical condition after...